"The Burning" (1983) is a classic slasher film that unleashes terror in the idyllic summer camp setting. The story begins with a cruel prank gone awry, as a group of campers seeks revenge on the caretaker, Cropsy, by orchestrating a horrifying practical joke. When the prank turns tragic, Cropsy is left severely burned and embarks on a vengeful spree years later. As a new batch of campers arrives at Camp Stonewater, they become unsuspecting targets of Cropsy's blood-soaked rampage through the woods. With relentless suspense, creative kills, and a chilling atmosphere, "The Burning" stands as a quintessential entry in the slasher genre, providing audiences with heart-pounding thrills and a memorable antagonist in the form of the disfigured and vengeful Cropsy.
- Brian Matthews as Todd
- Leah Ayres as Michelle
- Brian Backer as Alfred
- Larry Joshua as Glazer
- Lou David as Cropsy (the antagonist)
- Fisher Stevens as Woodstock
- Ned Eisenberg as Eddy
- Jason Alexander as Dave (GEORGE FROM SEINFELD)
- Holly Hunter as Sophie (in one of her early roles)